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A complementary food for the pigs-concentrate

Animal feed supplement DK OS – OS concentrate

It‘s produce is based on soya protein concentrate, whey powder, fat and mineral feed.

Performance analysis of the product:

• Energy nutrients are ensured by whey powder, sugar beet , rapeseed and sunflower oil .

• Nutritional ingredients - vitamins , amino acids and compounds such as micro-elements and macro-elements .

• Adding grain to the feed supplement DK OS  completes the feed meal for different categories of pigs .

Declared quality analysis :

crude protein                   340 g/kg Vitamin A 37101 m.j.
Fat 60   g/kg Vitamin  D3   5250 m.j.
roughage 27   g/kg Fe     520 mg
Lysin 33   g/kg Mn     246 mg
ME 14,5 MJ/kg Zn     420 mg

Recommendeed uses:

-         The early weaned pigs                        28 %     

-         Fattening pigs,  weight up to 35 kg    20 % 

-         Fattening pigs , weight 35-120 kg      15 %

-         For sows                                                   17 % 


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