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Milk substitute LUMIL                                                       

It is a full substitute instead of powdered skimmed milk when producing the compound feed and when producing the enrichment of the complete feed. It is very good for the livestock producers and it suits to every sort and category of the animals.


A complementary food - for producing of the complete feed compounds for the pigs.

A complementary food  for the pigs

It‘s produce is based on soya protein concentrate, whey powder, fat and mineral feed.


It is a soy protein concentrate which has reduced anti-nutrient substances to a minimum by the production process, it means that urease activity is between 0.02 - 0.03 mgN/g and animals can digest it well. It has a good dispersiveness in the water.
We use it for the production of the milk substitutes for the calves and pigs and for the production of compound feed for the livestock.

Whey Powder

The energy feed material containing the lactose, which ensures the high content of easily accessible energy.