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Milk substitute LUMIL®


It is a full substitute instead of powdered skimmed milk when producing the compound feed and when producing the enrichment of the complete feed. It is suits to every sort and category of the animals.

Product attributes :
  • Lumil contains a highly digested and very tasty milk components /lactose, milk protein and fat/.
  • Soy protein concentrate
  • Contains, in the natural form, vitamins, which are particularly important at animals with short digestive tract, such as are pigs and poultry.
  • Energycomponent in the milk substitute - LUMIL is guaranteed by the milk sugar, lactose. Lactose in the milk substitute is included mainly thanks to the powdered whey.
  • Sugarin the diet of young piglets is necessary as well as for the energy so for the tastiness.

Declared quality analysis  g/kg:


crude protein                380    
Fat 26
Ash 70
roughage                     25
lactose                    200
ME pigs 14,5 MJ/Kg
ME poultry 12,1 MJ/Kg


Recommendeed uses:

Pigs 10-20 %   Poultry 2% 

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