Vinaora Nivo SliderVinaora Nivo SliderVinaora Nivo SliderVinaora Nivo Slider


A complementary food – the energy concentrate for the milch cows.

Product attributes:

Opposite to the other protein complements, in these energy complements, there is high protein content provided by the soy protein concentrates and by powdered feed yeast. Both of these ingredients have reduced anti-nutrient substances to a minimum and that positively affects the animal utility.

Yeast’s proteins have high biological value, high content of amino acids and also the specific taste and aroma – effect of the better taste.
The energy component of the nutrition is provided either the milk sugar or by the beet sugar.

Deklarované akostné znaky v g/kg:

crude protein                   240g
Fat   80g
Saccharose 350g
Lysin   15g
ME 16,50 MJ/kg

Recommended dosage: 

max up to 8% put to the complementary feeding of the milch cows
or 20-50 dkg for a head per a day

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